Christopher Bryde
Biathlon | Indoor Rowing | Swimming | WCRChristopher Bryde, a former turret gunner in Afghanistan, survived a life-altering event when his vehicle drove over a Taliban IED in 2008. His experiences inspired his first novel, *Upgunner*, where he shares his story in hopes of motivating others. Christopher’s passion for participating in Warrior Athlete Conditioning Events stems from his desire to encourage others to push beyond adversity and achieve more in their lives. He has competed in the Marine Corps Trials in both 2019 and 2023 and finds that training in the gym, pool, and participating in these events fuels his recovery and personal growth. Outside of his athletic pursuits, Christopher is a novelist and a dedicated PhD student who spends most of his time reading and writing. He enjoys sculling on the river and occasionally indulges in fishing and hunting. His journey embodies resilience, inspiring others through both his literary work and his athletic accomplishments.
What does the Invictus Games mean to you?
The Invictus Games means an opportunity to serve as a positive example for others. An example of never yielding to the self, to keep going on, and work to be better.